avian vet in boston, ma

Why It’s Important for Your Bird to See the Vet

As a bird pet parent, you may find yourself wondering whether your pet really needs to see a vet. After all, how much can a vet really do for a bird, anyway? The truth is that avian vets can help birds quite a bit, and it’s necessary to keep up with regular vet visits for your pet bird, too.

Below, you’ll find out more about how much a vet can really help your pet bird. With this information in mind, you’ll be ready to choose when it’s time to take your pet in for a regular checkup.

Birds Hide Pain and Illness Well

Birds, like many other small animals, are good at hiding their pain and illness. Just because your bird isn’t showing signs that they are hurting or sick, that doesn’t mean they are perfectly fine. In the wild, birds do this because it helps them stay safe from predators that might single them out for being weak. This can make it harder to recognize when something is wrong.

Annual Checkups Can Help

By taking your pet bird to the vet for annual checkups, you’re giving the vet a chance to recognize when something might be wrong. Since exotic animal and avian vets are more experienced at recognizing signs of bird pain than most bird pet parents are, this opportunity can give you the chance to find out about problems your bird may be hiding. From there, the vet can help you get to the bottom of the issue and figure out the proper treatment or management for your pet moving forward.

Early Detection of Problems

The sooner you find a health problem in your bird, the less severe it may become later in life. This is true for humans, dogs, cats, and birds alike! For example, if you find signs that your bird may be developing lameness in one or both legs, you can work with your vet to resolve this issue before it becomes severe.

Even if your vet finds that your bird has a terminal illness, you can still use this information to help give your pet the best possible end of life care. No matter what stage of life your bird may have reached, regular vet visits are crucial.

Early Detection May Cut Down on Fees in Some Instances

During the visit, your avian vet may notice problems before they get out of control. This may make it easier to resolve the problem with less expensive methods of treatment. In other words, if your vet notices that your bird is getting sick before you realize it, the vet can give your bird a round of medication and take care of the problem quickly.

However, without regular vet visits, this may not happen. Your bird could get sicker and sicker and could end up needing much more rigorous care to help recover. This could cost a lot more than an annual vet visit would have.

Vets Help with Regular Grooming Needs

Many bird vets are happy to help with regular maintenance and upkeep needs when it comes to keeping birds healthy and happy.

Nail Trimming

For example, if your bird needs to have his nails trimmed, you can take them to the vet for this important grooming and avoid having to do it yourself at home. Boston Veterinary Clinic can help with your bird’s nail trim!

Wing Clipping

Vets are also equipped to help clip wings of pet birds when the time comes. Regular vet visits make it easy for you to take care of these grooming and maintenance requirements for your bird’s safety and health.

Establishing a Relationship with an Avian Vet

Finally, another important reason to take your bird to the vet is to establish a good relationship with a vet before you need them. It could be difficult to get an appointment at an exotic animal or avian vet as a new patient. If your bird becomes sick or suffers an injury, you don’t want to be scrambling around trying to find a vet that can see you the same day.

When you have an established vet for your bird already, you don’t have to worry about this. You can call the vet you always see and get your bird the care they need as soon as possible.

Birds Need the Same Level of Care as Other Pets

Birds may not require annual vaccinations like dogs and cats, but they still need to be examined regularly. By keeping the information in this article in mind, you’ll be better able to understand when and why your bird should see a vet, and what annual checkups can do for your feathery friend, too.

Do you need to make an appointment with an avian vet in Boston, MA? Book an appointment online at Boston Veterinary Clinic!