Why Does My Cat Keep Sneezing?
If you have a cat who’s been sneezing a lot, you might find yourself wondering why. After all, sneezing behaviors aren’t exactly common in cats–although they’re not rare, either. A sneezing cat may not have anything wrong at all, but there could be an underlying problem, too.
In the article below, you’ll find information about some of the most common reasons why cats might sneeze. You can use this list to help figure out which problems might be contributing to your cat’s sneezing issue and determine when it’s time to see the vet as well. Read on to find out more.
Allergies are one of the most common causes of sneezing in cats. A cat who sneezes from allergies likely has other symptoms too, including watery eyes and a runny nose.
If you suspect your cat might have allergies, either seasonal or otherwise, talk to your veterinarian for more information. Your vet will do some tests to rule out other conditions and help you better understand whether your cat could have allergies.
If there are contaminants in the air or in your surroundings, they may cause your cat to sneeze. Think about the last time you accidentally breathed in some dust or smoke–you might have sneezed, or at least felt like you were going to do so. Cats are the same, and understanding which contaminants trigger your cat’s sneezing response can help you reduce the problem.
Many cats will sneeze when they sniff dust, pet hair, or smoke, but other contaminants can cause sneezing as well. If your cat is sneezing after you light a candle, check the ingredients, as it may contain oils that are not safe for cats.
Blockages of the nasal passages may contribute to sneezing behaviors in cats. If your cat is having an acute sneezing episode and seems to be in distress, this may be a sign that she has inhaled something that’s become lodged in her nose and is causing a blockage.
Cats may try to back up to get away from whatever is causing the blockage. This is another telltale sign that your cat is dealing with this type of blockage and needs to see the emergency vet right away. Don’t wait to take your cat to the emergency vet for a blockage in her nose, as it could potentially block her airways and cause her to be unable to breathe.
Strong Smells
If your cat smells something strong, whether she likes it or not, she may sneeze about it. This is because she is trying to clear her nasal passages of the smell and get her normal sense of smell back. This is a completely standard cat behavior and is nothing to worry about, as long as the source of the smell was nothing dangerous.
Even if your cat enjoys the smell, you may find her sneezing and shaking her head to try to “get rid of it.” This happens simply because the smell may be too overwhelming for your cat.
Nasal or Dental Tumors
Although they are much less common problems than the others on this list, nasal or dental tumors can sometimes cause cats to sneeze as well. If your cat has a tumor in her nose or mouth, it may irritate the lining of her nose or her nasal passages and could cause frequent sneezing.
Cats with nasal tumors are usually obvious, as most nasal tumors can be viewed by looking at the cat. However, it may be difficult to spot dental tumors or very small nasal tumors, so you’ll need to work with your veterinarian for more information.
No Reason/ Normal Behavior
Of course, it’s entirely possible for cats to be sneezing for no reason or as part of normal behavior. Just like humans may sometimes start sneezing without any real cause, cats can do the same. If the behavior clears up after a few sneezes, there’s likely nothing to worry about.
Just make sure you keep an eye on your cat and take note if she starts sneezing more frequently in the future. A few sneezes are nothing to worry about, but repeated sneezing could be.
If Needed, Your Cat’s Vet Can Help
As you can see, many of the causes of sneezing are simple ones that don’t require any complicated treatments or management. Even so, they may require some vet assistance, especially if your cat is having trouble getting over the cause of the sneezing.
By working with your vet, you can find the right solution for your cat’s sneezing problem and help your feline friend get back to good health in no time. Be sure to follow the recommendations of the vet while treating your cat so she can recover fully and not relapse into another sneezing issue in the future.
Use the online form to book an appointment with your cat’s vet at Boston Veterinary Clinic!